June 21, 2022 - June 22, 2022 | 1 minute read

Charles Mills spoke at the FIA Forum: Commodities 2022 and discussed “CFTC & DOJ Enforcement” and “FERC Enforcement and Regulatory Developments” in Houston on June 21-22. The Forum tackled the issues that are top of mind for physical commodity and derivatives market participants and service providers in energy, agriculture and metals. Sessions examined commercial and operational risks for firms: commodity market trends and volatility, the impact of margin constraints on liquidity and hedging and lessons learned from recent market disruptions in the US and Europe.

Sessions also focused on legal and compliance risks: federal and state policy and regulations; CFTC, FERC, SRO and exchange enforcement and investigations, trade surveillance and compliance programs, sanctions, position limits, reporting…the list goes on. They also explored how these issues bring opportunities for the industry.  


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