February 21, 2023 | The Green Insider Podcast | 1 minute read

Bracewell’s Jared Berg was a guest on “The Green Insider” podcast during the February NAPE Summit held in Houston to discuss a number of topics, including renewable energy, renewable natural gas (RNG), and environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) in the oil and gas industry.

He called oil and gas and renewables the “perfect match” in explaining the current opportunities for renewables to step in and assist in decarbonizing the oil and gas production and extraction processes.

Berg explained that the interesting part about RNG is that “you’re using existing technologies that midstream companies in particular are very familiar with.” He noted how “it’s a pipeline and it’s a processing facility removing CO2.”

“Midstream companies [are] looking for ways to get involved in the renewable space,” Berg said. “Looking for ways to transition but doing so in an industry that they otherwise know or have experience working in.”

Berg said what he’s hearing from traditional energy clients is “how do we decarbonize or how do we reduce our emissions profile” to enhance our ESG reporting, noting that these goals are being met by investing in renewables and renewable development.

Click here to listen to the podcast.