At Bracewell, our dedication to serving our local communities dates back to our founding over 75 years ago. Founder J.S. Bracewell was renowned as a champion for the underdog, advocating passionately for the poor and disenfranchised. His vision, articulated in a 1965 firm meeting where he asserted, “A lawyer ought to be a leader in human affairs. He ought to regard himself as a servant of society, capable of making a substantial contribution untangling the troublesome problems of our present day,” continues to serve as a source of inspiration.

This enduring commitment to societal betterment is reflected in our extensive pro bono work and deep-rooted community involvement. Our lawyers and business professionals actively volunteer with over 150 nonprofit organizations.

Bracewell’s firmwide Day of Service has been a cherished tradition since 2012, offering volunteer opportunities through service projects that honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Our outreach initiatives have included impactful service projects with organizations such as Buckner, Calvary Women’s Services, Central Texas Food Bank, Dallas After School, Harc, Houston Food Bank, Martha’s Table, The McKenna Center, North Texas Food Bank, San Antonio Food Bank, St. Paul’s Church of England School, Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission, United Way – Houston and Xavier Mission.

At Bracewell, community engagement is more than a tradition; it is a core part of our identity and values. Our ongoing initiatives not only enhance the well-being of the individuals we serve but also reinforce our belief in the power of community service and the role of legal and business professionals as essential contributors to the greater good.

Through our continued dedication, Bracewell strives to create positive, lasting change in the communities we are privileged to be part of.

Community Involvement

Richard Whiteley

I have served as a mentor for many law students and undergraduate students over the years, have led fundraising campaigns for the UH Law Fund and was on the committee to help raise money for a new law school building. I also assisted in visits to the Texas legislature to lobby for public funding for the law school. When I was President of the UH Law Alumni Association, we formed the diversity and inclusion committee. I have assisted in recruiting new students through the Board of Visitors and was very involved in legislative advocacy for the new medical school at UH.

Richard Whiteley, University of Houston, Advisory Board Member

Kate McGregor

Harlem Lacrosse is a comprehensive, in-school intervention program that uses the sport of lacrosse as the “hook” to get kids engaged so we can help support them to do their best in the classroom and in their communities. Harlem Lacrosse actively recruits special education students and students identified by school administrators as most vulnerable to academic decline and school dropout. As a result, Harlem Lacrosse serves high poverty and special education students at rates that surpass those of our school sites.

Kate McGregor, Harlem Lacrosse, Advisory Board Member

Tony Visage

Houston House Foundation oversees the investment and distribution of assets of the endowment for the Ronald McDonald House in Houston. I am one of five trustees of the Foundation, and we meet at least quarterly to receive updates and advice from our institutional investment advisors and to make decisions about investments of the Foundation’s assets and distributions to Ronald McDonald House Houston.

Tony Visage, Ronald McDonald House Foundation, Trustee

Event Highlights

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Food From the Bar

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Austin Day of Service

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Washington, DC Day of Service

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Washington, DC Day of Service

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San Antonio Fiesta

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HBA Law Week Fun Run

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Dallas Day of Service