August 06, 2024 | The New York Times | 1 minute read

Liam Donovan, Bracewell’s senior political strategist, weighed in on The New York Times’ assessment of the selection of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate.

On How Much Walz Will Help Harris Against Donald Trump

Donovan: An affable character with an avuncular charm befitting a career teacher and coach. Walz’s background as a senior enlisted National Guardsman and his unique path to the governor’s mansion stand out in a sea of elites and strivers. Odd-couple pairing adds cultural and optical balance to the ticket.

On How Much Enthusiasm Walz Will Generate

Donovan: A safe, sturdy pick that the coalition will rally around, but the hesitation to go for the electoral jugular in Shapiro — and the apparent susceptibility to intraparty pressure during the honeymoon phase — should give Democrats pause. It’s all fun and games until you wake up 10,000 votes shy in Pennsylvania.